Archive for April 2012

NeverSettle: 55 Pounds Down, 25 to Go!



Before: November 2, 2011 - 215 lbs, size 16-18
After: 160 lbs


Laura: Getting Her Life Back

Before (261 lbs):

After (162lbs):

"I started my weight loss on the 5th of January 2011 and have lost 99lb so far, I have 15lb to go!!
I feel like I have become myself over this year, I have changed as much on the inside as I have on the outside!!
I am loving feeling confident in my clothes and finally being able to chose clothes that I like and not being restricted by the size that I was! When I started this I was wearing a UK size 22 trousers (that where very tight) and a UK size 18-20 Top. I bought Trousers in a UK 12 the other day and it felt so good!!!!!

I just want to let you all know that if I can do this you all can too! I always looked at people that lost weight and 'knew' that, that would never be me, well now it is!!

Believe in yourselves, because when you try, you can achieve anything!!! xx


kfitzpa: 40 Pounds Slimmer


Shannibal: From 413 to 278

"I weighed 413 lbs on April 26th 2011. On December 26th 2011 I weighed 278 lbs. I started eating clean, walking every day, doing Power 90 when I felt I didn't get enough exercise and resisting temptation... I still have a ways to go. Im 6'8" and wanting to build up some muscle."

iddreams: 450 to 275 Lbs

"From 450 to 275 in this pic. Want to get down to about 170, am at 269 right now."

Amy: One Step at a Time

"2010 was the year I decided to make change - and wanted to post one final time on these pics/story...
Take this journey one day at a time! One Change at a time! And in the end, you will be a different person - because you found inner strength, discovered how to exceed limits, and most of all, learned to like your body and mind and what it can do with your heart!

...I'm 5'4" (actually lost 1/2' in height during the journey and 1.5 shoe sizes)"

Amy: "I Don't Want a Heart Attack!"

"Today would've been my mom's 53rd birthday. She died at the age of 47 from a massive heart attack. She didn't eat well at all, ate out most days of the week usually twice, and she smoked about 3 packs of cigs a day. All of that, as you can imagine, led her to have a heart attack. She died when my oldest was only 8 months old and just three days before her second grandchild, my nephew, was to be born. She has missed so much in our lives, BUT I took her death on as my motivation to lose my weight. I didn't want my kids to go through the loss like we had. She died way too young, and I WILL NOT do that to my kids!

First of all, while I didn't count calories in the beginning, I did look at other numbers...fruits/veggies servings, water ounces, minutes of exercise, "cheats," etc. I journaled everything I put in my mouth and eventually did post it online. I didn't want others to see me eating poorly, so I tried not to eat that "bad" stuff often (which is why I think having a public food journal on here is kind of important). I upped my water ounces to an average of 96/day, I aimed for at least 5 servings of fruits/veggies daily, I limited carbs (empty carbs, that is, and went for whole grains, not just eliminating all carbs), I choose lean meats, lowfat dairies, and add more healthful options to my menus. I added in more beans, different whole grains, veggies and fruits I hadn't really ever tried, and I LOVE taking a recipe and making it healthier/more beneficial.

Basically, I eat pretty "cleanly," and I try to think about how the food I put into my body is going to affect my body. If I have too many "off days" or cheats, I can definitely tell. I crave healthy foods. This took me about 30 months to do with 2 pregnancies in there. It may have taken less time if I had counted calories. wink

As far as exercise, I started out walking and doing Walk Away the Pounds dvds along with the first Biggest Loser dvd. I eventually added in Turbo Jam and other dvds. Over time I started running, doing Turbo Fire, and doing ChaLean Extreme along with other videos. I crave exercise also!

Hope this helps someone!"

Cindy: From 260 Down to 139 Lbs


sweetaddict123: A Diabetic Getting in Shape

SW: 237 lbs
CW: 179.2 lbs
GW: 160's lbs
Height: 5'6"


Kimmie: 14 Months on Her Journey

Starting Weight 232
Current Weight 140.6
Height: 5'4"


bzmom: 178 Lbs Dowb to 138


Liz: Learning to Control Portion Size

"Started the journey one year ago and feel so proud of myself! I eat what I want but now it's in MODERATION and I have finally learned portion control. I started moving my butt, mostly by running (and sometimes walking, sometimes both, lol) 2-3 times a week, and it has paid off with a healthier and fitter me :)

...I have lost 55 lbs, finally learned to control my portion size (most days, lol!), and got my butt out the door to start a run/walk program."

Deja_blu: 46 Lbs Lost

"I never thought of myself as fat or big because I knew I didn't LOOK like I weighed as much as I did, but the scale knew I did and so did my doctor. I never had health problems with respect to high blood pressure and high glucose levels but I knew I had to get this weight off so I wouldn't have these problems.
At the beginning of 2011, I didn't make that New Years Resolution to lose weight....I just did it. I snapped pictures of myself, looked at them and said good bye to the body in those pictures because I was never going to see it again.
I'm excited about my progress and especially where I am heading so come along with me and JOIN THE REVOLUTION!!!"

Becca: 50+ Down!

"So I'm Becca and I am 5'2''!
I have gone from 178 pounds in Dec 2010, to 126 in March 2012!
It took me over a year to get here, but I'm so happy! :)
Just remember that it doesn't matter how long it takes the get to where you want to be, it's the journey that matters! :)"

Joeygirl84: Looking Fabulous



"I started at 250 lbs in Oct 2010… I am now 161 lbs, my goal being 150-155 in my healthy range.
I’m 5’8… work out up to 2 hours a day throughout the day a mixture of Lesley Sansone DVDs, walking on my lunch, at the local YMCA sometimes. I am on a 1200 calorie daily goal, don’t eat exercise calories back. Don’t eat fast food, processed foods, limit bread and pasta… and strive to only snack on things that contain even a small amount of protein. Drink lots of water and really watch my sodium / sugar intake.
Hope that helps!!!!!!!!!!!"

Nikki: Before and After

"Here are my before and currents. I haven't reached my goal yet but I am close. My heaviest weight was 210lb sometime last year. I joined Weight Watchers in January 2011 at 201lb and so far I have lost 50lb. Including the 10lb I lost before joining I have lost 60lb in total. My goal weight with WW is 140lb but I will re-evaluate it once I get there and see how I feel."

Karina: Getting Her Figure Back

"The one on the LEFT is me at a Size 20/22 (200+ pounds) The one on the RIGHT is me last week in my new Size 6 skinny jeans!! (139 pounds!) I'm 5'7" in case you were wondering. :)"

Jimie Lou: One Year Later

"I still don't believe it when I look in the mirror, but I guess these pictures don't lie. I can't believe I've actualy stuck with something for a year. Ok, well, I'm 4 days short of a year.
In the picture on the right, I weigh in at about 314 pounds. In the picture on the left, I am 232 pounds. Not where I want to be, but I still can't believe I made it this far!"

bjbixler: 10 months; 75 lbs Gone!

Height: 5'8"
SW: 256, size 18
CW: 180, size 12

"I'll be running my first marathon 2 weeks from tomorrow, close to 17 months since couch potato status. After that, I'll start triathlon training and hope to complete my first sprint triathlon in August. I also hope to step up the strength training because not only is my aim to be healthier, I also want to be strong! I still have about 25 more lbs I'd like to lose, and hopefully it won't take 6 more months to get there, but I will work at this as long as I have to, and will keep working for the rest of my life, because there is no return for me."

Themommie: Weightloss Warrior

She has lost 99 lbs so far. Amazing! :)


Ray: 110 Lbs Lost

"I've lost over 110 lbs since April 2010 with a combination of Power 90 and P90X. It is amazing how I seem to be inspiring family, friends, co-workers, and customers to make a change."

Cory Ida: 24W Down to Size 6

Some of my biggest achievements (I'm 5'10" btw):
* Size 24W pants to Size 6 (and even smaller in dresses and shirts)
* 56% Body Fat to around 21-22% Body Fat
* Resting heart rate of 110 to 52
* Chin-ups! I can do 5 in a row now
* Dramatically improved depression symptoms (I'm bipolar)
* My son told me recently that I am his "best role model"

RisyaLifsheTova: Happier and Healthier

"My starting weight was 320 and I am currently... 206."

Futuremrssmith0421: 80 Lbs Lost


Rachel: 156 Lbs Weight Loss in 13 Months

"My Name is Rachel Harvey and I am a Fitness ;) I have loss to date 156lbs in 13mths and this is Completely on my own, No Surgeries or Weightloss Fad Diets."